Sunday March 30th 6:15p-7:45p | West Side Yoga 108 sign up



Thursday February 6th 7p-8:30p | Dream Weaving w/ Asa Angel online

Tuesday December 31st 6p-7:30p | West Side Yoga 108

Thursday December 19th 7p-8:30p | Dream Weaving w/ Asa Angel online

Friday November 29th 6p-7:30p | West Side Yoga 108

Tuesday October 29th 7p-8:30p | Dream Weaving w/ Asa Angel online

Sunday October 27th 6:00p-7:30p | West Side Yoga 108 Providence, RI

Tuesday October 8th 8p-9p | Sayles Hall Brown University free & open to the public

Sunday September 29th 6:30p-8p | The Descent w/ Kayla Sibilia West Side Yoga 108

Sunday August 25th 6:30p-8p | Alchemia Sound & Friends w/ Raylyn DiPaolo and Austin Pereira West Side Yoga 108

Friday August 2nd 6:30p-8p | Dream Weaving w/ Asa Angel West Side Yoga 108

Saturday May 11th 6p-9:30p | Ecstatic Dance PVD Studio One Lincoln, RI

Tuesday April 23rd 7p-7:45p | mend Newport, RI

Sunday March 24th 6:15p-7:45p | West Side Yoga 108 Providence, RI

Thursday March 14th 8:00p-9:30p | Dream Weaving w/ Asa Angel online

Sunday February 25th 6:00p-7:30p | West Side Yoga Providence, RI

Sunday January 28th 6:00p-7:30p | West Side Yoga Providence, RI (sold out)

Saturday January 20th 6p | Ecstatic Dance Providence Lincoln, RI

January 13th & 14th 10:30a-5:30p | Reiki Level II w/ Asa Angel West Side Yoga Providence, RI (sold out)

Friday January 12th 6:30p-8p | Dream Weaving w/ Asa Angel West Side Yoga Providence, RI (sold out)


Sunday December 31st 2023 6:00p-7:30p | West Side Yoga Providence, RI (sold out)

Tuesday November 28th 2023 7p-8:30p | Deep Listening w/ Masha Aguirre, L.Ac Providence, RI (sold out)