meditation | sound healing | reiki


alchemia sound Healing

Alchemia Sound is a restorative and therapeutic journey with sound, aka a sound bath. No bathing suit necessary ;). In a sound bath, instead of bathing your body in water, you will immerse the waters of your body in the exquisite vibrations of reiki charged crystal alchemy singing bowls, along with melodic vocals, koshi chimes, and other dreamy sounds that can catalyze deep emotional and physical relaxation, meditative and even dreamlike, visionary states of being. Guided relaxation, reiki, aromapoint therapy, intention setting and vocal toning may also be incorporated; to support with settling the mind and body into the experience, and hopefully enhance the potential to dance in the liminal space between wakefulness and sleep, which is not only deeply relaxing to the nervous system, but can also be profoundly cathartic, insightful, and creatively inspiring. This combination, alchemia, if you will, of modalities is lovingly and intentionally curated by Nicole Benisch, bringing together her lifelong passion for music with over 2 decades of study and experience in the fields of holistic wellbeing and spirituality.

Read what past and current Alchemia Sound participants are saying here.

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Email for information regarding 1:1 and small group sessions in The Nest at HAWK & hummingbird Holistic Healing, private events, weddings, music festivals, and corporate wellness. Some previous collaborations include:

Tabor Academy Health & Wellness Day w/ Marion Institute BioMed Programs September 2023, Brown University Hillel Yom Kippur Sound Bathing event with Kayla Sibilia/Altaer Sound September 2023, Unifier Festival Auguts 2023, Cacao & Sacred Sound with Malerie Day (Private Residence on the Westport River October 2023, The Heron Educational Center for the Human Spirit August 2023, Zettmar Studio 2022), Ecstatic Dance Providence (2019-present), Funky Seshwa Glens Falls House Weekender September 2020, Samhain and Imbolc online rituals and Reiki trainings with Asa Angel (2020-present), HAWK & hummingbird Holistic Healing, Zettmar Studio Newport Express Yourself with Melodie Fallon, Temple to Music, American Heart Associate and RI Fashion week w/ HUSH Providence, Students Shoulder to Shoulder Dartmouth, Upstate NY Wedding 2022, HASBRO corporate offices Fall 2022, Westside Yoga (current).


Meditation is the foundation for it all. Reyna Collective is a meditation accountability group for community and collective care. We encourage each other, through our gratitude and loving-kindness check-ins, to sit for meditation daily. We also allow for fluidity - the ebb and flow, just like the rhythms of Nature. Our meditation practice is not at the patriarchal, capitalist pace of constant productivity and busyness. Just 3 minutes per day can be revolutionary!


Reiki is a hands on energy healing modality that is powerfully, yet gently supportive of mind, body and spirit well-being. Your session will be tailored to your personal needs and goals and can be everything from deeply relaxing and rejuvenating, to illuminating and insightful. Click the button below to book an in person session at HAWK & hummingbird Holistic Healing. Distance Reiki sessions also available, and are just as powerful as in person, email for more info.